Friday, April 15, 2011

Painless Penny Pinching Plan

I'm convinced the winter blahs are a combination of freezing cold weather and credit card bills rolling in from Christmas!

If Christmas bills are getting you down, it's time to come up with a savings plan for next Christmas! It's time to try my painless penny pinching plan - 10 easy ways to save!

According to the American Consumer Credit Council, the average American family spends $935 on Christmas gifts, so if you can save around $78 a month - you'll be set! Pick just 1 item from my painless penny pinching plan, and you'll easily save $78 or more per month.

Christmas Club
Open a Christmas Club account at your local bank or credit union. It's a simple way to save and earn a little interest. Most Christmas Clubs will set-up an Counseling7matic deposit from your paycheck in the amount you choose.

Brown Bag It!
The average lunch out costs $8, so if you'll brown bag it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - you'll save $96 a month!

Take Advantage of Cash Back Programs
If you shop online, learn how to earn cash back with ebates!

Make Your Own Coffee!
Does your morning routine include a trip to the drive thru for coffee? It's time to kick the drive-thru habit and start saving about $3 a day or $90 a month! For $90 you can buy a coffee maker, gourmet coffee beans, flavored coffee syrups and even whipped cream if you so require! After your first month as a coffee brewmaster, start stashing the cash for Christmas!

Credit Card Rewards
Does your credit card offer a rewards program? Cash back? Points? If you can be good about paying off your credit card bill in full each month, you might consider using that credit card for all your purchases, and then use the rewards to purchase gifts!

$5 Jar
This is the old fashioned coin jar adjusted for inflation! At the end of each day, place any $5 bills in the jar. At the end of the year, you should have more than enough money for Christmas, and it will be even more fun than counting coins!

Ditch the Drive-Thru
Try going 1 month without going to a drive-thru for any food or drink! It's sadly become the American way, and you might be shocked to discover how much you're wasting! Is it really necessary to drive-thru for breakfast?

Get Serious About Grocery Savings
You'll easily cut your grocery bill by $50 a week if you start using a grocery saving system where you buy items on sale and with a coupon to maximize savings.

Eat In, Not Out
Growing up, eating out was for special occasions. This year, bring back the home cooked meal! If your family eliminates just 1 dinner out per week, you'll save over $100 a month!

Buy 1 Gift Each Month
There are no rules that say you have to do all your Christmas shopping in November and December, so start trying to buy 1 gift each month! If you see a bargain, snatch it up, and don't forget about it come December!

That's it, just pick one and stick to it! If skipping the drive-thru not your idea of painless, then try the $5 jar. If you're not sure what to pick, try something new each month! Why don't you ditch the drive-thru this month and brown bag it next month!

I'm convinced the winter blahs are a combination of freezing cold weather and credit card bills rolling in from Christmas!

If Christmas bills are getting you down, it's time to come up with a savings plan for next Christmas! It's time to try my painless penny pinching plan - 10 easy ways to save!

According to the American Consumer Credit Council, the average American family spends $935 on Christmas gifts, so if you can save around $78 a month - you'll be set! Pick just 1 item from my painless penny pinching plan, and you'll easily save $78 or more per month.

Christmas Club
Open a Christmas Club account at your local bank or credit union. It's a simple way to save and earn a little interest. Most Christmas Clubs will set-up an Counseling7matic deposit from your paycheck in the amount you choose.

Brown Bag It!
The average lunch out costs $8, so if you'll brown bag it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - you'll save $96 a month!

Take Advantage of Cash Back Programs
If you shop online, learn how to earn cash back with ebates!

Make Your Own Coffee!
Does your morning routine include a trip to the drive thru for coffee? It's time to kick the drive-thru habit and start saving about $3 a day or $90 a month! For $90 you can buy a coffee maker, gourmet coffee beans, flavored coffee syrups and even whipped cream if you so require! After your first month as a coffee brewmaster, start stashing the cash for Christmas!

Credit Card Rewards
Does your credit card offer a rewards program? Cash back? Points? If you can be good about paying off your credit card bill in full each month, you might consider using that credit card for all your purchases, and then use the rewards to purchase gifts!

$5 Jar
This is the old fashioned coin jar adjusted for inflation! At the end of each day, place any $5 bills in the jar. At the end of the year, you should have more than enough money for Christmas, and it will be even more fun than counting coins!

Ditch the Drive-Thru
Try going 1 month without going to a drive-thru for any food or drink! It's sadly become the American way, and you might be shocked to discover how much you're wasting! Is it really necessary to drive-thru for breakfast?

Get Serious About Grocery Savings
You'll easily cut your grocery bill by $50 a week if you start using a grocery saving system where you buy items on sale and with a coupon to maximize savings.

Eat In, Not Out
Growing up, eating out was for special occasions. This year, bring back the home cooked meal! If your family eliminates just 1 dinner out per week, you'll save over $100 a month!

Buy 1 Gift Each Month
There are no rules that say you have to do all your Christmas shopping in November and December, so start trying to buy 1 gift each month! If you see a bargain, snatch it up, and don't forget about it come December!

That's it, just pick one and stick to it! If skipping the drive-thru not your idea of painless, then try the $5 jar. If you're not sure what to pick, try something new each month! Why don't you ditch the drive-thru this month and brown bag it next month!

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